'Teenage Dreams in a Teenage Circus'

Supreme Source for Your Musical Inspiration

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stardeath & White Dwarfs + Some new albums (No Age, Deerhunter, Warpaint, Belle and Sebastian)

Sorry for being the worst blogger ever.

Having said that....

This is what I've been listening to recently.

+10000000 Goodness Points to Stardeath & White Dwarfs' The Birth.

The Birth, 2009
This is a little older, but I just really got into it a few weeks ago.  It's from the guys who did the Dark Side of the Moon album cover with the Flaming Lips (+1000000 Goodness points as well; also, Stardeath + White Dwarfs' frontman is related to Wayne Coyne, the Flaming Lips frontman), and you can definitely see how much influence they had on that after listening to their own album.  It's got that psychedelic/electronic feel, and it certainly goes well/is a more electronic version of Tame Impala, with whom they are actually touring.  These are some of my favorites from the album/also the ones I could find on hypem...
mp3: New Heat
And just 'cause it's awesome.
mp3: Smokin' Pot Makes Me Not Want to Kill Myself

Some other albums I've been loving:  Deerhunter's Halcyon Digest (which has one of the creepiest album covers of the year), Warpaint's The Fool (which is tearing up the blogosphere), Belle and Sebastian Write About Love (which has them in slightly older school B&S form), No Age's Everything In Between (which is just plain good).  Here are some mp3s from those.
mp3: No Age :: Fever Dreaming, Glitter
mp3: Warpaint :: Undertow
mp3: Deerhunter :: Helicopter, Coronado, He Would Have Laughed (3 of the last 4 songs on the album - it has a fantastic finish)
mp3: Belle & Sebastian :: I Didn't See It Coming, The Ghost of Rockschool

More posts coming soon.

-- A Teenage Smellephant.

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