'Teenage Dreams in a Teenage Circus'

Supreme Source for Your Musical Inspiration

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quick shout out.

I'd just like to give a quick shout out to my friends who helped design the sick new banner/logo.  I hope you all like the new look (and the catchphrase... yes, no, maybe so? tell me what you think).  Also, IF YOU LIKE MY BLOG START SPREADING THE WORD!!!!!!!!  TELL YOUR FRIENDS.  THAT'S THE BEST THING.  BECOME A FAN ON FACEBOOK NOW HERE.  FOLLOW ME ON GOOGLE IF YOU HAVE AN ACCOUNT.  Also start commenting!  I love that.  Coachella coverage coming up...

--A Teenage Elephant


  1. what do u think of hyper crush and vodka and milk remixes... like over hyper crush remix and money to blow vodka and milk?

  2. Ehhhh I'm not a huge fan of the over hyper crush remix just because a) I think remixes in that style all sort of end up sounding the same, and ultimately they also end up sounding the same as the original song to me. I still dig the bass drops though, but sometimes it seems like they end up only being about that...

    Vodka and Milk-- I don't like the money to blow remix at all because I don't like Lil' Wayne at all (I think the original is Lil Wayne...), and partly because it just sounds like its trying to imitate girl talk. I like the That Tree and Poker Face remixes though

    I think it's really just cause I don't like the original music for those sort of remixes (that doesn't mean I automatically don't like it though). I realized that I like remixes of songs I like way more, and there is an interesting reason to that. It's because they give you a chance to experience a song that you really like in a new way, sort of like seeing a song live. But that's just me...

    --A Teenage Elephant

