First, some sad news: tragically, a girl at my school was killed in a car accident last week, and of course the school has been absolutely torn apart. I just wanted to dedicate this post to Julia Siegler. On that note, and in her honor, I would like to introduce a new "segment." Once a month, I will pick an old song that I am getting into, or just came across, etc. I think this first one is really perfect for the occasion, and really captures what everybody is feeling. It's an incredible song in my opinion, and, especially right now, makes me really emotional.
Bill Withers :: Ain't No Sunshine
The song is "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers, 1971. It's been covered countless times, but I think this version is just captivating. My grandfather actually just passed away also, and he lived back east. On the flight back home from New York to LA, I listened to this song for literally two-thirds of the flight; I listened to this song over and over for four hours - that's how much I like it.
And now, for some news from the sonic world...
This week is a big week for album releases, so let's get right to it.
Morning Benders :: Big Echo
I've been blogging a lot about the Morning Benders, so sorry if I am boring you, but... the album, which I have been highly anticipating (if you couldn't tell), is due out on March 9th. In this week leading up to the album release, the full album is available for streaming from their website, and since they are such nice guys, in the embed above... They are playing at the Troubadour (the Troooooob) on the 24th or 25th, which I am dying to go to but am unsure of if I will make it seeing as it is a school night (it's a hard knock life...).
Broken Bells :: Broken Bells
Another band I have been blogging a lot about... they will be playing a show in LA on March 14 at the Troubadour (the Trooooob), which I am dying to go to as well. This will be just their second live show, so you can see why it would be awesome to go to, but... I will have just had surgery a couple of days before, and also it is a school night (it's a hard knock life). Luckily for me though, they put up the entire album (due out March 9th) on NPR First Listen, so enjoy!

Titus Andronicus :: The Monitor
New Jersey-ites!!!!!!!!! All that needs to be said... not really. Their sophomore album is due out on the 9th (what a surprise!), and they put up the whole thing on their MySpace. Super lo-fi garage rock... I love it. Check it out.
The Besnard Lakes :: Are the Roaring Night
These guys are pure anthem music if you ask me. Every song has the feeling of epic scale, and I can see every song at some point in a movie; some songs it's the moment when we first see the main character, silent as they travel through whatever environment they're in, or when the character has the profound realization. The album has two sets of two part songs... like I said, grand proportions. Listen to the whole album here.
Band of Horses :: Infinite Arms
Band of Horses are a band that IMHO epitomize the "indie" sound. When you hear songs like "Funeral," "Is There a Ghost," "No One's Gonna Love You," and "The General Specific," you can't help but being drawn in. Hopefully their third album, which they have said will be released on May 18th, will continue to capture that (again, IMO) iconic sound. The big question is though... which label will it be on? It is unclear whether it will be released on Sub-Pop, who released their first two albums, or another label. It will be interesting to see if being on a different label makes a dramatic difference in their sound, etc.
-- A Teenage Elephant
Rest In Peace Julia Siegler
When did this blog start putting slow and old music. You have started to fall apart. You also need to start posting as mp3's, no one can download your music. And when you put stuff in programs like Lala and just put links to myspace, it downgrades the quality of your blog x10. If you continue to do what youre doing, you will never make it to the blogosphere. In the disclaimer you said "I am putting up music for you to download," I havent seen such thing...
ReplyDeleteHey I can post whatever I want. Deal with it. I thought/think it is a really good song, and frankly I don't really care what you think... But yeah I agree that not putting the mp3s is bad, but blogspot (the blog service I use) starting deleting all these music blogs for putting mp3s, that was just a few weeks ago and hundreds were deleted (check out the post I put up about it a couple of weeks ago). I got a notification from blogger essentially saying I was about to be deleted, so I figured I would take it easy with the mp3s for a little while until things cool down. If you want mp3s, just go to hypem. It's really not that hard. plus, before this all happened I had mp3s for every song, but I decided to take em down to be safe. so take it easy; I'd rather have my blog only get 20 viewers a day with no mp3s than not be a blog at all